The Art and Soul of the Practice of Medicine Course Description:
Practice is a purposeful word related to our Craft as Medical Practitioners. It is the actual application of ideas, beliefs, or methods, as opposed to mere theories. In addition to medical practice, ongoing practice in physical arts, visual arts, literature, philosophy, and cosmology enhances our existence. The arts and sciences are indispensable and inseparable. The role as a Practitioner encompasses all of these. This practice requires lifelong learning, striving…..
Course title:
Grandmother Mother Course – “I have a plan”: How we plan with purpose, prayer, positivity and persistence to reach our goals.
Course description:
She is good at time management and can help us develop our own system by realizing our strengths and challenges. Proficient in planning and organizing, she knows her limitations. She knows how to get the help she needs……
Warrior Mother: “I establish clear boundaries”
“One life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.”—Joan of Arc
Course description:
Participants will identify their history, processes and effectiveness of engagement with establishing of appropriate boundaries in all their relationships: intimate, family, professional, employment, social, career, national, cultural, interracial, political, and spiritual. We teach others…..